Personal Leadership Coach Christina Demetriades

Personal Leadership Coach Christina Demetriades

Christina is an accredited Coach and Mentor at the Master Practitioner level by EMCC Global and a certified Trainer through the European Commission’s Salto programme. She works as a Personal Leadership Coach/Mentor, Trainer, and Coach/Mentor Supervisor. Through her work either 1:1 or in groups, she guides people in developing leadership skills towards personal and professional self-actualization, to succeed in their goals and to enjoy meaning in life. Christina loves supporting people through transitions, whether it is pregnancy, first-time parenthood, a career change or a change in one’s personal life (such as divorce) and empowering them to successfully manage the impact of such great changes. Another area she specializes in is dealing with burnout (whether as a professional or as a parent) and how to achieve work life balance in today’s crises-ridden world. Christina is a recipient of the esteemed EMCC Global Coaching Award (2019), the highest recognition of best practice in coaching globally. A believer in the ability of each of us to lead fulfilling lives, as well as in the power of community, her professional motto is ‘Lead yourRead More


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Butterfly Circle

Butterfly Circle

Το Butterfly Circle είναι ένα ολοκληρωμένο κέντρο συμβουλευτικής υποστήριξης που αφορά τη γυναίκα και τη σχέση της με τη μητρότητα. Τη περίοδο δηλαδή πριν μείνει έγκυος, τη περίοδο της εγκυμοσύνης και τη περίοδο μετά (λοχεία). Το κέντρο προσφέρει χώρο και χρόνο στις γυναίκες, να εκφράσουν τον εαυτό τους και αυτά που νιώθουν, μέσα από ατομικές και ομαδικές συνεδρίες. Δίνοντας τα κατάλληλα εφόδια σε αυτές να αναπτύξουν την αυτογνωσία τους, τις δεξιότητες τους και τα θέλω τους έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να πορεύονται στη ζωή τους και να είναι σε θέση να αντιμετωπίζουν τα αρνητικά συναισθήματα.  Ενδεικτικά θέματα των συναντήσεων: (α) αντίληψη της εγκύου για την εγκυμοσύνη (ετοιμότητα) (β) η στάση της προς τις αλλαγές που επέρχονται στο σώμα της  (γ) η σχέση με το σύντροφο της  (δ) διαχείριση των αρνητικών συναισθημάτων (ε)  η σχέση με άλλα μέλη της οικογένειας (γονείς, γονείς του/της συντρόφου, αδέλφια, άλλα      παιδιά) (ζ) μετάβαση στη γονεϊκότητα   Contact details:  Email: Tel. 99054054 Facebook page: Instagram: 

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Art Therapy

Art Therapy

My name is Christa Kamenou, I am an art psychotherapist. I have worked in the private sector for the last 11 years offering art psychotherapy to groups and individuals with a variety of issues, like low self esteem, stress, interpersonal difficulties, substance abuse, learning dificulties, depression and anxiety, traumatic or difficult experiences and a general need of psychological self improvement. I have cooparated with the Mental Helth Services, the Association for Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family – SPAVO, the Ministry of Education offering art therapy interventions to schools, and with the Nea Eleousa Institution. I am also a clinical supervisor to other professionals. I offer art psychotherapy sessions to individuals who need a creative way of emotional and psychological support in the issues that concern them. In the sessions the individuals can explore their concerns by mentalization, creativity and talking in a safe and trusted environment. New parents, pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive can benefit greatly as they are given the chance to share, create and explore together issues that might be hardRead More

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